Farm business advice

RPA Autumn Newsletter

RPA Autumn Newsletter

The RPA have launched their autumn newsletter covering updates on the following topics:

  • Basic Payment Scheme (BPS)

  • Countryside Stewardship (CSS)

  • Environmental Stewardship Agreements

  • Retirement Scheme for Farmers - Lump Sum Exit Scheme

  • England Woodland Creation Offer

  • Cross Compliance Rules 2022

  • Future Farming Resilience Fund

  • Farming in Protected Landscapes

For advice and assistance on any of these schemes, get in touch:

Planning Changes - Conversion of Business Units To Residential Use

The latest changes to planning permitted development rules allow some business units to be redeveloped to residential use. The new rules come into effect from 31st August 2020 and apply to buildings that were built before 1st January 1990.

The building must have been vacant for 6 months prior to any permitted development application and the the proposed residential use can only relate to residential flats or apartments. it does not apply for conversions to houses.

The proposal must comply with building regulations and the developer must prepare are construction management plan. the proposed conversion must mirror the existing footprint of the building and can not exceed 1,000 suare meters. The maximum height must not exceed 18 meters.

For further information, please feel free to get in touch:

Farm Business Unit